Important Interview

A very important interview

“This is very serious – these are the biggest crimes against humanity ever committed in the history of human kind”

In this interview the British lawyer Anna de Buisseret describes how those who have explicitly or implicitly aided and abetted governments in a military grade psychological operation have committed crimes against humanity and that they will inevitably be held accountable.

She tells everybody who is involved with the “vaccinations”:

“You are individually accountable and liable in your personal capacity, criminally and civilly. There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide. No-one is going to defend you. Because the law says: You must uphold the law. You must not cause harm and you are personally liable.”

– Anna de Buisseret – London

She and her team drafted a notice of Liability for mRNA vaccinations to hand out to those who are aiding the governments to make clear that they are committing crimes and will be held accountable in the future.

Notice of Liability for mRNA vaccinations

In her Notice of Liability she lists all inalienable, fundamental, natural Human Civil, Spiritual and other Rights and Liberties enshrined in the Rule of Law. Please check them out:

Charter of Liberties (1100)

The Magna Carta (1297)

The Confrmation of the Charters (1297)

The Confrmation of the Charters and Statutes (1416),

Confrmation of Liberties (1423)

The Liberty of the Subject Act (1354)

The Habeus Corpus Act (1679)

The Bill of Rights/Act (1688)

The Human Rights Act (1998)

The Equality Act (2010)

The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) 

The Nuremburg Code (1947)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

The European Convention on Human Rights (1950)

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)

Paragraph 58 of the Siracusa Principles

The International Covenant on Cultural, Social and Economic

Rights (1966)

The Oviedo Convention (1997)

The International Covenant on Human Rights and Bioethics (2005)

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court Act (2001)

The Ofences Against the Person Act (1861)

The war Conventions

…and many more

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.


Rechtsgutachten zur Strafbarkeit ..

des Herstellers Biontech, der beteiligten Behördenvertreter, der impfenden Ärzte, der beteiligten Arbeitgeber, Richter (insbesondere Familienrichter), Verfahrensbeistände, Eltern und anderer Beteiligter nach dem Arzneimittelgesetz (bedroht mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu 10 Jahren) durch die Herstellung, Verbreitung und Anwendung (Impfung) des Impfstoffs Comirnaty von Pfizer/Biontech.

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

NiemeyerRede 12-15-2021

A  fiery speech at a protest in Germany

This is a fiery speech during one of the many protest events against  COVID regulations, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports in Germany last week. The speaker is Ralph T. Niemeyer, journalist and author and ex-husband of Sahra Wagenknecht. It is very encouraging that he also makes the connection to Julian Assange in this context. Only the hunt, persecution, silencing, imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange over the last ten years have enabled the US/UK/EU to muzzle and censor an open, free press. We all have suffered the consequences of this over the last two years. As long as we do not vehemently stand up for freedom of speech, for an independent, free press, and the right to know, we will not achieve change. (The speech is in German)

Dies ist eine feurige Rede während einer der vielen Protestveranstaltungen gegen COVID Maßnahmen, Impfzwang und Impfausweisen in Deutschland in der vergangenen Woche. Der Redner ist Ralph T. Niemeyer, Journalist und Autor und Ex-Ehemann von Sahra Wagenknecht. Sehr erfreulich, dass er dabei auch die Verbindung zu Julian Assange herstellt. Erst die Jagd, die Verfolgung, das Totschweigen, die Inhaftierung und die Folterung von Julian Assange während der letzten zehn Jahren haben es den USA/UK/EU ermöglicht, eine offene, freie Presse mundtot zu machen und zu zensieren. Wir alle haben in den letzten zwei Jahren die Folgen davon zu spüren bekommen. Solange wir nicht vehement für die Meinungsfreiheit, eine unabhängige, freie Presse sowie das Recht auf Wissen eintreten, werden wir keine Veränderung erreichen.

Ralph T. Niemeyer Speech in München on December 15, 2021

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Stories from vaccine injured people

Stories of people seriously injured by the Covid Vaccine

No More Silence

A fast-growing group who have been affected in many different ways by the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation.  No More Silence

C19 Vax Reaction

A large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).  C19 Vax Reaction

Covid Vaccine Injuries

Stories of those who have been injured by the cover vaccines. Covid Vaccine Injuries

Brianne Dressen Testimony to Expert Panel on Covid-19 Vaccine / Part 1

Brianne Dressen Testimony to Expert Panel on Covid-19 Vaccine / Part 2

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Columbia University Study

COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

This Columbia University Study puts the true COVID “Vaccine” Toll at ca. 400,000 deaths in the USA!

“Significant regression terms estimate 130,000-180,000 US deaths can be attributed to vaccination between February and August of 2021. The estimate converges with independent estimates based on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20. Comparison of our age-stratified VFR and with age-stratified IFR rates suggests the risks of COVID vaccination outweighs the benefits in children, young and middle age adults, and in older age groups with low occupational risk, previous coronavirus exposure, and access to alternative prophylaxis and early treatment options. Our findings raise important questions about mass COVID vaccinations strategies that warrant further investigation and review.”

Study: COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk  


All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Bill A416 Detention

Detention Centers

New York is working on a bill to incarcerate people and whole groups of people they deem infectious (via PCR test?) for up to 60 days without court order – and the department decides who is healthy & who is not. The bill would allow the government to detain anyone they consider a health threat to the public.

Assembly Bill A416 

Detention New Tork

Although this is horrifying enough there New Yorkers have lined up several more bills for vote next session that are equally abhorrent in terms of human rights violations.

Bill # A08378 would require immunization against COVID-19 for attendance at school.

Bill # A00279 would require a health care provider who administers an immunization to a person nineteen years of age or older to report such information to the department of health or to a regional health information organization – essentially establishing a statewide database

Bill # A02240 / S00045 would require mandatory influenza /flu vaccine for persons / children attending daycare.

Bill # A08398 would limit exemptions from immunization requirements by local governments and private entities to medical exemptions; repeals religious exemptions for certain post-secondary students.

Bill # A03192 / S03041 would permit any child who is at least fourteen years of age to have administered to himself or herself, regardless of parental consent, certain immunizations required or recommended by law.

Bill # A00822 / S00937 would allow children to be administered STD treatments without parental consent.

– and if this wouldn’t be enough New York State Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) is proposing a bill that would give health insurance companies the option to deny Covid treatment for the unvaccinated.

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Legal Letter to Chair of MHRA / UK

Legal Letter to Chair of MHRA, Gross Negligence

Below is a legal letter sent on December 17, 2021 by PJH LAW to Stephen Lightfoot, Chair of the MHRA / Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in UK.

Summary of statements of evidence prepared for an Injunction Application.

Re: Request for undertakings for breaches of legal obligations and breaches of duties of care.

“Your failure to investigate known concerns amounts to gross negligence in office, and renders you and the executive board liable for serious misconduct in office, mal or misfeasance in public office and, or, rendering all the office holders potentially liable for corporate manslaughter in that you have been willfully blind to the known harms of the SARS-CoV-2 injections. You have taken no action.”

Please share widely with doctors, police, church leaders, schools and everyone you know.

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Warnings to Parents

Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child! All Parents Need To Hear This!

Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology tells us all to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!

The data are overwhelmingly clear: it is time to stop vaccinating healthy young people.

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.