There is a complex network of many players involved in this massive crime against humanity. We will try to list some of the most important players on this page. The most important ones are presented on extra pages, which you will find via link on the right hand side.
During months of research work, an IT specialist who wishes to remain anonymous has produced a complex network analysis on relationships, connections and money flows between numerous influential foundations, Governments, NGOs, companies, individuals, organizations, universities, public-private partnerships (PPP), etc., which he says is based entirely on publicly available sources. The document is available as a 169-page “Network Analysis Corona Complex” PDF file. In addition an explanatory audio interview in German has been published by Markus Langemann’s “Club der klaren Worte”.
You can download the PDF below 👇🏼
More at Nachdenkseiten (German)
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Overview and some articles
Verbrecherorganisation Atlantikbrücke?
“Für einen Politiker ist es gefährlich die Wahrheit zu sagen.” (German)
More coming soon…
World Economic Forum
International Monetary Fund
The Rockefeller Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Vaccine Alliance
Bilderberg Meetings
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Robert Koch Institut, Germany
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, UK
The Galton Institute
The British Eugenics Society was renamed 1989 The Galton Institute