Support, connect, help, networks, and communities
Constantly updated list of support pages, help platforms, networks, communities and connections to find or post jobs, find restaurants, stores and services which accept unvaccinated customers and clients, connect with like minded people, organize events and find friends.
Freedom Cell Network
People working and coming together to create more liberty in our communities.
Unjected is a worldwide, nonprofit, health movement created in Hawaii, focusing on early treatment of CV19, vaccine detoxification, rehabilitation and creating the first MRNA free blood bank.
Connections, communities and listed businesses
The Freedom Pages Canada
Social and business network for freedom loving people.
Website where likeminded people, businesses and professionals can connect, post listings, DM each other.
Connecting Life , Germany und für alle deutschsprachigen Länder
Platform, die Menschen mit einander verbindet, welche ungeimpfte Menschen nicht diskriminieren, um das Leben neu und menschlich zu gestalten.
Animap in the EU / in Europa
EU platforms to find businesses, services, restaurants, hotels etc. that will not enforce vaccination mandates and will not ask for your papers:
EU-Plattformen, um Unternehmen, Dienstleistungen, Restaurants, Hotels usw. zu finden, die keine diskriminierenden Maßnahmen durchführen und nicht nach Ihren Impfausweisen fragen :
Animap Jobs in the EU / Jobs in Europa
EU internet platforms to search for employees and employers that will not enforce vaccination mandates and will not ask for your papers:
EU-Internetplattformen, auf denen man nach Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern suchen kann, die keine Impfpflicht aussprechen und nicht nach Ihrem Impfausweis fragen:
Germany/ Deutschland:

Jobs in Europa
EU internet platform to search for employees and employers that will not enforce vaccination mandates and will not ask for your papers.
EU-Internetplattform, auf denen man nach Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern suchen kann, die keine Impfpflicht aussprechen und nicht nach Ihrem Impfausweis fragen:
In Germany, Austria & Switzerland:
Meldestelle zur Abklärung von Todesfällen nach CORONA-Impfung
Informationen für Angehörige von Verstorbenen und Mediziner
Against Vaccine Passports / UK
UK business directory to connect businesses with customers. Via AVP businesses in the UK can make a clear statement to the UK Government that they do not agree with excluding people.
Find and post jobs with NO VAX employers!
We urgently need your support !!
There are many easy ways how to do this. Please find the information here:
>How to Support Us <
>Shop at our Affiliate Partner Shops<
Find books, nutritions, vitamins, groceries, outdoor products, travel deals, and much more on our pages:
Dietary Supplements, Immune Support
or please Donate here 🙂
NoPapersNeeded USA
will help you find businesses near you that will not enforce vaccination mandates in the USA.