Twitter Censorship

Twitter's Censorship Enables Genocide

Please share!

Today I posted the following tweet on Twitter:

The Tweet provided a link to this website:

This website and my link published nothing else than the official numbers of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System / VAERS.

Some time later Twitter locked my account claiming I would “spread misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19”.

I am no longer able to tweet, like, reply or retweet and have to wait until the self-appointed truth gods graciously will grant me the use of my account functions again.

Since I and the Website only published the official numbers of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System / VAERS Twitter should get in touch with them and declare their data misleading. In fact their numbers are probably misleading since they are very likely to give numbers that are much too low than the actual numbers. A Harvard Vaccine Injury Study conducted from 2007 to 2010, reveals a fewer than 1 % report rate in VAERS. Study → Harvard

Periodically I collect the data from the USA CDC’s/Vaccine Adverse Event reporting System VAERS and the EU system in EMA/EudraVigillance and publish these numbers. The latest data from April 2022 can be found here:

Many victims and families of victims report that their voices are not being heard. They and their injuries are not taken seriously and are not reported in official systems. Their voices are being censored, muzzled, ridiculed and smeared. When Social Media Tycoons like Twitter or Facebook censor important and relevant information and official data about injuries and deaths, they are enablers of crimes against humanity and genocide.

I sincerely hope that all those who participate in these crimes will be held accountable in the near future!

In case you have an Twitter or Facebook account please share this post and a link to my censored Tweet far and wide and let the people know that all these informations regarding the reactions to the so called vaccines are heavily censored! You might save a life somewhere!

Thank you!

Deutsche Zeitung


mRNA-Impfstoffe: Die katastrophalen Folgen werden sichtbar.

Keine verlässlichen Daten zur Wirksamkeit und Toxizität der SARS-CoV-2-„Impfstoffe“

>> Bei den sogenannten „Corona-Impfungen“ handelt es sich sehr wahrscheinlich um den größten Skandal der Medizingeschichte. Es ist ein zivilisatorisches Versagen, das zumindest in quantitativer Hinsicht noch nie so vorgekommen ist. <<

>> Insgesamt handelt es sich bei den sogenannten „Corona-Impfungen” sehr wahrscheinlich um den größten Skandal der Medizingeschichte, und das Ausmaß menschlichen Leides, das eine nie gesehene Kollusion aus Größenwahn der Hauptbetreiber der „Impfkampagne“ und Totalversagen der führenden privaten und staatlichen medizinischen Institutionen samt der weltweiten Ärzteschaft bewirkt hat, zeichnet sich erst schemenhaft ab.<<

Zum ersten mal hat es eine Zeitung in Deutschland gewagt auf die verheerenden Folgen der sogenannten Covid “Impfungen” einzugehen und die damit zusammen hängenden Probleme zu schildern. Wir stellen daher die Gesamtausgabe der Südthüringische Rundschau vom 4.Mai 2022 mit dem entsprechenden Artikel auf unserer Webseite zum Lesen und Downloaden zur Verfügung.

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Vaccine Adverse Events

The Numbers of Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines in Europe and the USA are Staggering!

EudraVigilance/The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Numbers in the EU as of April 14, 2022

As of 4/14/2022 the EMA EudraVigilance system shows 43,005 vaccine deaths, and 4,456,721 vaccine adverse events for Covid-19 vaccines with 838 Million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in EU (April, 14 2022). 

The European Medicine Agency / EMA provides the EudraVigilance reporting system for adverse events. It is not very well known, and often even doctors do not know about its existence. So it is not used often. Experts think that only ca 5%-10% of all cases are reported to the EudraVigilance system in the EU.

So it is possible that we have to multiply all the above numbers by 10 or even by 100.

Pfizer / BioNTech Numbers December 2020 to April 9, 2022

Moderna Numbers December 2020 to April 9, 2022

AstraZeneca Numbers December 2020 to April 9, 2022

Janssen & Janssen Numbers December 2020 to April 9, 2022

NovaVax Numbers March 2022 to April 9, 2022

Numbers of All Vaccine Adverse Events in Europe combined.

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System / VAERS Numbers in the USA as of April 14, 2022

The USA provides VAERS, a well established PASSIVE reporting system for adverse events. It is not very well known, and often even doctors do not know about its existence. So it is not used often. 

A research study by Harvard University concluded years ago that only ca. 1% of all cases are reported to the VAERS system.

So it is possible that we have to multiply all the numbers by 100!

As of 4/8/2022 the US VAERS shows 26,976 vaccine deaths, and 1,327,065 vaccine adverse events for Covid-19 vaccines with 567,8 Million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in USA  (April, 14 2022). 

The statistic below shows the numbers from the VAERS system in the USA from December 2020 to April 8, 2022

The statistic below combines all the numbers as of April 14, 2022 for Europe and USA together. It also provides an overview of what numbers we should expect when the databases actually represent only one or ten percent of the cases.