In her Notice of Liability she lists all inalienable, fundamental, natural Human Civil, Spiritual and other Rights and Liberties enshrined in the Rule of Law. Please check them out:
Charter of Liberties (1100)
The Magna Carta (1297)
The Confrmation of the Charters (1297)
The Confrmation of the Charters and Statutes (1416),
Confrmation of Liberties (1423)
The Liberty of the Subject Act (1354)
The Habeus Corpus Act (1679)
The Bill of Rights/Act (1688)
The Human Rights Act (1998)
The Equality Act (2010)
The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)
The Nuremburg Code (1947)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
The European Convention on Human Rights (1950)
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)
Paragraph 58 of the Siracusa Principles
The International Covenant on Cultural, Social and Economic
Rights (1966)
The Oviedo Convention (1997)
The International Covenant on Human Rights and Bioethics (2005)
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court Act (2001)
The Ofences Against the Person Act (1861)
The war Conventions
…and many more