The handling of the Covid crisis, whether it was planned, intentionally used or unprofessionally mishandled because of politics has and will have dire consequences. These effects will be immediately as well as long term. We will gather information about some of them on this page, but they are by far not complete. If you have any information, please don’t hesitate to send it to us!
Since this page grew longer and longer, we decided to create separate blog pages to make it easier to find information. Therefore please find all the newest updates about ‘Consequences’ on these pages:
Quarantine and lockdown measures as a result of the coronavirus has killed much more people than the coronavirus.
British Medical Journal
Professor Knut Wittkoswki stated in an interview in Germany in spring 2021 that probably 50,000 people would have died due to Covid in the USA if we would not have had lockdowns. This number would be equal to a mid to severe flu season.
Stillbirth rate rises dramatically during pandemic.
The Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) project is helping to create a network of genetic and clinical data across Europe.
Spain To Keep Registry Of People Who Refuse Covid Vaccine
“What will be done is a registry, which will be shared with our European partners… of those people who have been offered it and have simply rejected it.”
Spains Registry
Google silently pushed app to users’ phones
Digital ID
Forced vaccination is part and center of the plan to “reset” the global economic system, forever altering life as we know it along the way. Now, global vaccine passports are in fact being introduced.
Many governments and non-profit organizations tireless worked for years to implement a digital pass, an universal identification system that incorporates every person on the globe. A digital ID will store all information of a person, from medical records, finances, education, social behavior, personal and location information.
It’s the beginning stage of global mass tracking and tracing.
In May of 2016 an alliance of governments, non-profits, academia, over 150 private sector companies and 11 United Nations agencies collaborated as with ID2020, at the United Nations Headquarters in NY, on how to provide a unique digital identity to everyone on the planet.
The ID2020 Alliance, a public-private partnership committed to improving lives through digital identity, announced today that Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), Mercy Corps, Hyperledger and the UN International Computing Center have joined Accenture (NYSE: ACN) as partners in the Alliance. Microsoft will also donate $1M to the effort, joining Accenture and the Rockefeller Foundation as major donors to the initiative.
ID2020 in 2018
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance – leading partner and catalyst, and Mastercard acting in the capacity of technology partner – have embarked in a Public Private Partnership aiming at deploying the Mastercard Wellness Pass for interested Gavi eligible countries on December 2018.
The Arrival of Mastercard Wellness Pass in The Context Of COVID 19
Trust Stamp integrating biometric hash solution with Mastercard on children’s vaccine record system
CommonPass is a digital “health passport” framework initiated by The Commons Project, the World Economic Forum and The Rockefeller Foundation.
A billion people have no legal identity – but a new app plans to change that
Storing medical information below the skin’s surface

Huge and growing backlog of many millions of planned surgery and medical treatments due to covid-19
The handling of COVID has had a profound impact on medical treatments and surgeries all around the world. Just in Great Britain the NHS figures show almost 5 million people in England are waiting for hospital treatment due to the Covid backlog, and more than 400,000 have already had their surgery delayed for at least a year.
In India cancer screening was stopped completely or was functioning at less than 25% of usual capacity at more than 70% of centers during these months. The long-term impact of cessation of cancer screening and delayed hospital visits on cancer stage migration and outcomes are likely to be substantial. The Lancet
But this is not limited to just India or Great Britain. How many millions of people have lost or will lose their life worldwide because cancer was not detected early enough and treated much too late, or other disease couldn’t be treated in time we only will know in the future.
Hunger is Rising, COVID-19 Will Make it Worse
The rise of hunger shows no signs of abating. By the end of 2020, the number of acutely food insecure people could increase to 270 million due to COVID-19, representing an 82 per cent increase compared to the number of acutely food insecure people pre-COVID-19.
Read more here > Ocha
Crypto-Currency System connected to “physical activity”
In March 2019, Bill Gates’ company, MICROSOFT, received a patent number for a CRYPTO-CURRENCY System connected to “physical activity”.

Harvesting Energy From Humans
Popular Science
Detention Centers
Several countries are preparing detention centers to incarcerate people they deem infectious.
New York is working on a bill to incarcerate people and whole groups of people they deem infectious (via PCR test?) for up to 60 days without court order – and the department decides who is healthy & who is not.
Assembly Bill A416

Fourth Industrial Revolution
Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
UK Government
WEF – The Great Reset
The Great Reset
Much more information about the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution can be found on our Background page. > Background
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