Initiatives, organizations, actions, activities and groups
Initiatives, organizations, actions, activities and groups around the world fighting for our democracies, constitutions, basic rights, human rights, human dignity, freedoms, medical freedom, health, economies and self determination.
World Doctors Alliance
An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.
Doctors for Covid Ethics
A group of hundreds of doctors and scientists from all corners of the globe. They have written three letters to the European Medicines Agency, urgently warning of short term and long term dangers from COVID-19 vaccines, including clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities. They first began warning of blood-related risks before media reports of clotting led to vaccine suspensions around the world.
World Freedom Alliance
World Freedom Alliance Documentary
Censorship – Far More Destructive to Humanity than COVID-19 Will Ever Be
Official World Freedom Alliance
Our mission is to PROTECT our cherished freedoms, PROMOTE collaborations and links between groups of doctors, scientists, lawyers, professionals and freedom campaigners worldwide.
A huge number of medical doctors ask for a reassessment of the corona measures
Patient-Led Research
reAct 19 is a research focused grassroots organization made up of patients, scientists and physicians. Working to increase our understanding in the role of Covid-19 in those who experience systemic and prolonged symptoms, after acute infection or after vaccination.
React19 Research
Spontaneous initiative that unites
Scientists, doctors, lawyers and free citizens
The initiative by Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, and Robert F. Kennedy, lawyer, among others, addresses the many inconsistencies surrounding corona policy and is addressed to the presidents of the WHO, the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Stand in the Park
A Stand in the Park unites people in parks all over the world every Sunday, 2-3pm in the USA.
We ‘Stand in the Park’ to celebrate freedom, diversity, and fairness for all. We invite you to Stand United in your personal Truth. For Freedom.
Connect with like minded people, make friends, get connected and celebrate your diversity!
Check if there is a Stand In The Park in your area:
More than 400 doctors and scientists of “Doctors for Truth” in Madrid, Spain
A public press conference of “Doctors for Truth” in Madrid, attended by some 400 doctors and scientists under the slogan “A world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse”.
Millions Against Medical Mandates
We are a coalition of health freedom activists working together to prevent medical mandates. We are physicians, lawyers, journalists, nurses, researchers, scientists, nutritionists, parents of vaccine injured children and adults, citizen activists and organizations alarmed about the erosion of our rights to bodily autonomy.
Connecting Consciousness
Connecting Consciousness (CC) is a grass roots organization where people join who recognize, that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind.
Our mission is to empower all people with information, facts and opinion from all viewpoints
Collateral Global
At Collateral Global, we believe that there is an urgent need to study the consequences of public health measures implemented in response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, including the second and third-order effects.
Through commitment to the enduring principles of scientific inquiry, we aim to provide scholarship and research, building an evidence-based understanding of mitigation measures that is both accessible and actionable.
The Police for Freedom International Movement / Police for Freedom
Join The White Rose
The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activists—each a powerful one person operation—all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.
United States
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they are read by physicians and scientists, public health officials, journalists, lawyers, and patient advocacy organizations.
Great Barrington Declaration by 50 infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists
Great Barrington Declaration and petition
A widely supported initiative that recommends a “Focused Protection” approach. Here the prevention policy only focuses on the real risk groups and the rest of the healthy population returns to normal.
America’s Frontline Doctors
In the US, a group of doctors in the field, who see patients on a daily basis, united in “America’s Frontline Doctors” and gave a press conference which has now been watched millions of times. A must see.
America’s Frontline Doctors
Make Americans Free Again
We are forming a HUGE group of Americans with a very simple, and easily understandable campaign platform:
“I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccination for myself and my minor children. The state or federal government cannot force me or my minor children to be vaccinated without my express permission.”
Legal assistance and document preparation for self-represented litigants.
New Mexico Stand Up
New York Freedom Rally
Venmo @newyorkfreedomrally
Instagram @newyorkfreedomrally2
Twitter @nyfreedomrally
FLCCC Alliance
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Formed by leading critical care specialists in March 2020, at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease.
The Healthy American
A reflection on the use of scientific studies by a group of Brazilian scientists and academics led by Prof Eberlein, who has more than 1000 scientific studies to his name.
There is no consensus science – many studies contradict each other. Making absolute statements is impossible in real science.
The basic criterion always turns out to be the independence and incorruptibility of researchers.
Prof. Eberlein sheds light on the fraud surrounding the studies that have crushed HCQ – and pleads for a freedom of therapy if the clinical experience clearly shows favourable results.
Open letter by 25 Brazilian scientists and academics
COVID Medical Network
We are a group of senior medical doctors and health professionals who are concerned about the health impacts of the lockdowns used in response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in Victoria and across Australia.
More than 500 doctors in Australia signed a letter to the government expressing deep concern about the harmful effects the lockdown measures are having on the people of Victoria. The government has not reacted to this until now.
More than 500 doctors in Australia signed an open letter to the Australian government
Netzwerk Linker Widerstand
Gegen Ausnahmezustand und Ausbeutung
Netzwerk Linker Widerstand
Non-partisan, private initiative for human rights, fundamental rights, freedom and democracy.
Several local groups in Austria
Bewegung 2020 (Movement2020)
Movement2020 is a network of people committed to health, fundamental rights and freedoms, and democracy.
Plattform RESPEKT
We are people from different areas of society. We are united by one goal: to counteract the division of society and to initiate change on the basis of shared values. Promote fundamental rights, democracy and diversity of opinion.
Rechtsanwälte für Grundrecht/ Anwälte für Aufklärung
As independent lawyers not belonging to any political party or movement, we have formed a network on the occasion of the state measures taken since March 2020 as a result of COVID-19 to protect freedom and democracy, the rule of law and the population seeking legal protection.
Belgian experts, doctors, scientists, healthcare workers and providers
A Belgian initiative and an open letter to the Belgian Government, which has already been signed by more than 900 doctors and health professionals (September 3rd, 2020)
See the long list of experts, doctors, scientists, healthcare workers and providers:
Docs4 Open Debate
Belgian Health Experts Demand Full Investigation into WHO for Faking COVID-19 Pandemic
Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media
So far it has been signed by 394 medical doctors, 1,340 medically trained health professionals
Collective open letter to Belgian political leaders
An open letter on the initiative of a group of doctors from the Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc, UCLouvain, which can be signed by anyone.
Collectif Laissons Les Médecins Prescrire
A public decree of 26 March banned the prescription of hydroxychloroquine in town medicine in France. This action website promotes free choice of doctors/treatments for patients and freedom of prescription for doctors.
Collectif Santé en Danger
Created on the initiative of a resuscitation doctor, the collective brings together more than 150,000 doctors and nurses. The collective highlights the dysfunctions linked to Covid overload and works for a revision of the health policy in France.
Association BonSens
Created at the beginning of October by doctors and researchers, this association aims to create debate around 4 themes: citizens’ health, societal health, planet health and corporate health.
Stiftung Corona Ausschuss
Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting multi-hour live sessions in Germany to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the corona virus scare and what the consequences were and are for people.
They have 5 – 6 hour long sessions nearly every Friday and already spoke with hundreds of scientists, experts and professors.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation.
Find more information about the Corona-Ausschuss here
ABC Kindesvertretung
ABC – Kindesvertretung stellt Fragen, damit die Arbeit der Juristen, Psychologen und Sozialpädagogen erfolgreich ist.
Kinder sind durch eine Vielfalt von Anordnungen rund um die Corona-Situation in Schulen, Betreuungseinrichtungen, wie in Hinblick auf private Kontaktregelungen derzeit betroffen. Mögliche dadurch verursachte Gefährdungen müssen nicht nur gesehen, sondern konkret abgewendet werden. Hinweise auf solche Einschränkungen der Kinderrechte, wie notwendig rechtliche Schritte ihrer Abwendung und dafür bedeutsame Rechtsgrundlagen finden Sie in unseren aktuellen Beiträgen
Mustervorlagen zur Einreichung an Familiengerichte, Schulen, Kindertagesstätten u.Ä.
An international group of doctors has launched an extra-parliamentary enquiry into the “exaggerated and oppressive corona measures”, with a view to questioning politicians and scientists around the world.
Ärzte für individuelle Impfentscheidung e.v.
Der Verein „Ärzte für individuelle Impfentscheidung e. V.“ ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation von Ärztinnen und Ärzten, die Schutzimpfungen grundsätzlich als einen Bestandteil ärztlicher Vorsorge ansehen.
Er fordert den Erhalt einer freien, individuellen und verantwortungsvollen Impfentscheidung nach differenzierter, umfassender und ergebnisoffener Beratung für alle Menschen.
Initiative „Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie, e.V.“ / MWGFD
Initiative “Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy, e.V.” MWGFD
Medical professionals and scientists for health, freedom and democracy
MWGFD is an association of individuals and scientists working in the medical professions who are engaged in research and teaching on the topics of health, freedom and democracy.
Wissenschaft steht auf
Diese Kampagne, an der sich zahlreiche Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beteiligt haben, wurde vom Corona-Ausschuss initiiert.
Demokratischer Widerstand
Wochenzeitung “Demokratischer Widerstand”, parteiunabhängige Opposition mit ständig aktuellem Demonstrationskalender für Deutschland.
Journalistic site by the Editorial Office (Newspaper «Der Widerstand») of the Communication Office for Democratic Resistance Berlin
Joint inquiry of five renowned scientists to the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag on the government responses to the Corona crisis
Is a non-partisan group and peaceful movement that advocates for the immediate repeal of the restrictions on rights in the German constitution imposed by the Corona Ordinance.
There are 69 local Querdenken groups in Germany.
Ich bin anderer Meinung
A growing group of people who see this great crisis also as a great opportunity. Idealists who like to do more than they have to.
Offene Medizin
Group of physicians who support and encourage people during these times of crisis to have an open mind by sharing our knowledge and experience.
Ärzte für Aufklärung
Currently, the doctors demand the withdrawal of all scientifically nonsensical measures and restrictions regarding the corona issue.
The assessment of the corona situation must be brought back directly to the sole responsibility of evidence-based medicine.
Ärzte stehen auf!
Group of German physicians who are critical of the current COVID developments and consider politically imposed measures regarding COVID-19 to be disproportionate.
A organization working on a survey on wearing a protective mouth and nose mask
Netzwerke kritischer Richter und Anwälte
A rapidly growing network of judges and prosecutors who are watching the political activities and the actions of legislators during the Corona crisis with great concern from the perspective of the rule of law.
Anwälte für Aufklärung
Association of independent lawyers to help in various areas of law to clear up the alleged pandemic and to find legal answers to the questions it raises.
The KlagePATEN are an association with years of experience in legal disputes with authorities and departments. They have bundled their know-how with the aim to protect the rights of German citizens in this difficult time for Corona.
Polizisten für Aufklärung
The association “Policemen for Enlightenment” e.V. is a representative association, which campaigns for the value of the civic rights of a free democratic society and its fundamental rights.
A decentralized, action-oriented grassroots movement for all that puts pressure on the established parties to finally stand up again for a just and peaceful country.
Eltern stehen auf
Bürgerinitiative ElternStehenAuf advocates freedom, justice and self-determination for children, parents, families and people.
We want to encourage people to bring previously unknown but highly relevant information to the public, even if they face negative consequences as a result.
Atlas Initiative
The Atlas Initiative is a non-partisan association that actively promotes and supports the values of our free democratic system.
Nicht Ohne Uns
Communications Office for Democratic Resistance
Christen im Widerstand
Growing number of Christians who are critical of the current situation concerning the Corona virus in Germany.
Connecting Consciousness
Connecting Consciousness (CC) is a grass roots organization where people join who recognize, that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind.
Es Reicht!
Ein Jahr Lockdown-Politik, es reicht!
Für Freiheit und Demokratie – friedlich aber bestimmt!
Querdenken 841 – Ingolstadt
Querdenken 351 – Dresden
Querdenken Netzwerk mit 71 lokalen Initiativen in Deutschland
Great Britain
HART, Health Advisory & recovery Team
Rebels on Roundabouts
Bringing Local People Together
We are an independent FREEDOM COLLECTIVE united in our conclusion that the Global Covid Event is not what we were told. It is our mission to share the TRUTH and INFORM THE PUBLIC that their freedom and safety are in jeopardy.
Querdenken / Pensiero Trasversale
Non-partisan and private initiative for human rights, fundamental rights, freedom and democracy
Two local groups
Open Debate
In the Netherlands, doctors have come together and drafted an open letter addressed to colleagues and the government pleading for proportional measures. This letter aims to stimulate an open and frank debate on how to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak and was signed by more than 800 doctors. The petition has been stopped by now.
Open letter signed by more than 2500 healthcare professionals Open, sharp-worded letter, written by doctors and mental health care providers, that has already been signed by more than 2500 healthcare professionals.
Artsen Voor Waarheid / Doctors for Truth
They call on all professionals in medicine and also all lawyers in the Netherlands to join the foundation in order to raise their voices, united, to put a stop to the current improper and harmful Corona policy and to reclaim our professional autonomy, our human identity and our sovereignty.
Policías Por La Libertad
Dawn of Peace
Dawn of Peace is a non-profit peace organisation, dedicated to protecting the integrity and sacredness of all Life through conscious activism.
Legal Documents
Summer of Light
Freunde der Verfassung
Philippines Doctors
Instead of lockdowns and increased restrictions on human activity, this initiative aims to provide protocols on how people can and should live with COVID-19. The messaging from leadership and the medical community should be clear: Yes, we have increase in the (COVID-19) cases but we do not have an increase in mortality
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November, 2021
Patient-Led Research
reAct 19 is a research focused grassroots organization made up of patients, scientists and physicians. Working to increase our understanding in the role of Covid-19 in those who experience systemic and prolonged symptoms, after acute infection or after vaccination.
World Freedom Alliance
Conference Copenhagen
November 26th to 28th, 2021
To attend the conference contact World Freedom Alliance at

Large German List of Initiatives
and Activists
Large German Network of initiatives
Querdenken Netzwerk mit 71 lokalen Initiativen in Deutschland

All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.